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栏目: 出国留学指南     |      作者:佚名


  1.Have you brought any documents with you today that you wish me to see?

  Immigration History

  2.How long have you been in the UK?

  3.Can you give me a brief history of your immigration status while in the UK?

  4.What are your long-term aims of remaining in the UK? Do you intend to apply for settlement or do you planning on

  returning to your country of origin?


  5. What is your educational background?

  6. Do you have a degree? If yes, is your degree linked to your business?

  7. If you have gained a UK qualification, what elements of this have helped you in the planning and implementation of

  your new business venture?

  8. What have you been doing since you obtained your degree?

  9. Do you have any previous employment or business experience? If yes, what is this? Is it linked to your business? 

10.During your last period of leave, what genuine credible steps have you taken to prepare, plan, develop and launch

  your business in the UK?

  Team members

  11.Are there any team members in your business plan?

  12.How did you become a team?

  13.What is their educational and business experience?

  14.What will their role be in the business? What will they do?

  Business development

  15.Has the business been set up?

  16.Have you registered your business with the appropriate UK bodies? If so, who?

  17.Does your business require any mandatory accreditation? If so have you completed this?

  18.As you are providing services to the public, have you already gained your employers liability insurance?

  19.Where will you work?

  If working from home address

  20.Does your lease allow you to work from home?

  21.What facilities do you have at home to allow you to run the business?

  22.Where do you conduct client meetings?

  Market research

  23.What market research have you done?

  24.What was this market research?

  25.What was the result of this market research?

  26.What did the market research identify about the need for your business?

  27.How many other businesses exist in your local area that offer the same services that you do?

  28.What evidence have you gathered that you’ll attract a percentage share of the market?

  29.How many adverts are currently live for your business? How many responses have you had?


  30.Since the date of application, how many new business contracts have been signed and how much money are they

  generating your business?

  31.How was contact made between your company and your clients?

  Third party funding

  32.Where did you get the money from?

  33.Why did they give you the money?

  34.What is your relationship to them?

  35.How long have you known them?

  36.What was the basis of the arrangement?

  37.When did they give it to you?

  38.What if they want the money back?

  39.How long have you had the money for?

  40.Where are the funds now?

  41.How many separate third parties are providing funding? Why is there more than one?


  42.Is the money held in a bank account in the UK or overseas?

  43.Why the money is held overseas?

  44.Has a percentage or the whole amount of funds from overseas been transferred into the UK?

  45.Have you set up a UK business bank account?

  46.Is the money held in more than one account? If so, why?

  47.Since the date of application, have you invested any of the £200K/£50K into the business? If not, are the funds still

  available to you?


  48.What arrangements have you made to begin the recruitment of settled workers into your business?

  49.How many staff do you intend to recruit?

  50.What work will they be doing?

  51.When do you intend to recruit them?

  52.Where will your staff work?

  Contingency plans/support

  53.How do you plan to support yourself while your business is in its infancy in terms of financial commitments?

  54.What is your current employment status at present?

  55.If you are not currently employed, how have you been maintaining yourself?

  56.Have you prepared a contingency in case your initial business idea does not yield the expected returns?

  Conclusion of interview

  57.Do you have any questions that you want to ask? Or do you have anything that you wish to say?

  58.Thank you for attending the interview.






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